Roommates, love 'em or..... ya

Can I just preface this with out of my four years in college and 10 roommates I have never had a problem until the 10th and final one.

Hey Asher, if you're reading this, what the H E C K, dude. I mean living where I live my two other constant ride or die roommates whom I have been with for four years it took some adjusting when all of a sudden we had a cap for water, light, electricity, all that good stuff. But when the new freshman rolled into town, cap in place, it's like nobody gave him a bloody heads up.

When I tell you this man will leave for an entire weekend from Thursday night - Monday afternoon and leave the lights on the whole time.... think you can just confront him? Nope, he's going to ignore the text and act like nothing ever happened. I am also out of about 50+ eggs thanks to him and if he asks me one more time to borrow some, then buy them and EAT THEM AGAIN, I might just have to cut the tongues out of his shoes.

I am also bout ready to smash his blow dryer into little pieces. Or his blue tooth speaker that he seems to turn up louder and louder as the night goes on, and I mean like a Tuesday night, not a Saturday. But these are just the little things. I have had three other random boys living under my roof in his room, using my water, lights, and food. I let them know if we have an overage they're paying- of COURSE, we have an overage, I let them know. Suddenly I haven't seen anyone in weeks.

Boy, oh, boy. It's getting ugly soon.

*End Vent*

Reesa Lawrenc